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So Monday night I decided that I was sick of the 600 some spam messages I had received over the weekend and decided to do something about it. Unfortunately the frontend mail host for qux is a RH7.3 box that I can't rebuild, so it's an old sendmail and no updated sendmail packages were available. I decided to just go for it, shut down and uninstalled sendmail, and started compiling. After solving some dependencies and after a bit of waiting, I now have a decently modern sendmail with milter support and milter-greylist installed. I think I've had 3 spam messages make it through since, and all were detected and filtered as spam. I'm amazed at how well it works. It's funny since I didn't notice much at work when it was implented there due as my addresses don't get much (mostly to some aliases like the old ssl cert ones). The ones that do get through still come, meaning most of the junk there comes from compliant mail servers. Apparently my personal spam comes from zombies though. Oh, if stuff bounces wait until later that day and send again. I'm too lazy to say more, other than point you here and say it's pretty much the same other than I'm not gonna whitelist people with broken mail servers (manually resend the first time and/or bug your mail provider). Ah, it feels like I'm back in '99 with the lack of junk...