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Movies for the weekend were The Chronicles of Riddick and The Day After Tomorrow. I'd say both were good but neither is great. Just good entertainment I guess. Work has been OK, nothing too interesting other than weird network slowness packet loss. It's almost like it's suddenly overloaded. Now that I think of it this happened the last time all the students left too. It's like less traffic causes problems for a while until the system figures it out. Oh well. I'm currently jumping between a few projects. Account eligibility, planning for the summer, cleaning up some of the San Diego stuff (their virtual DC had gotten slow. It was fast at first, but now I realise why they complained), figuring out what to do with other things... I started working on quotas today. I made up a nice SQL command that took 44 minutes and 37.29 seconds to run. It returned 579 rows. It was one of those things I started it figured it'd take a couple minutes and if it was pulling what looked like the right data I'd optimize it. I came back 5 minutes later and it was still running so decided to see how it'd go. Apparently MySQL has issues with joins on unindexed columns and deciding whether to pull stuff out before or after joining the tables. After tweaking some data and taking advantage of temporary tables and indexes, I got it down to 0.71 seconds. SQL is fun.