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Last night it rained a lot. It was really interesting this morning when I got up and there was enough fog in the air that everything which wasn't actually warm had a solid layer of condensation on it. Then it got nice out. This afternoon I decided to be a code monkey and recoded parts of IncidentBase. Mainly incidentdetail, startupdateincident, and myincidents, although some shared areas end up across the site. Andy convinced me to put some CSS with rounded borders around the User Info area, and that turned into me rewriting almost all the layout tables into divs. The menu bar up top is now a rounded thing that butts up against the top edge rather than being a square thing down a bit. And people can't post comments that make the page wide anymore either (it'll cause their comment to scroll within the normal space). incidentdetail is actually down to around 350 lines now, although a bunch of that was replaced with calls to 3 different IncidentBase library collections now. That was enough work though, I can't imagine how much of a hastle the rest will be to get to the point we can consider a real redesign (hopefully all in css). Quick glance says over 20k lines - most of which is hack upon hack from people asking for new stuff all the time. At it's all my code and will hopefully make sense the second time around.

By babada on 2004/10/30 at 00:52:11

So... what you're saying is if you leave we're screwed? ;)

By pookie on 2004/10/31 at 02:24:58

"At it's all my code and will hopefully make sense the second time around."

Ummm... No! Depends on if you comment a lot or not. I have written countless web applications and I am not one for commenting except I will briefly explain what a function might do or how I came up with a magic number. I rewrote a pretty decent sized app about two months ago and when I was going through it I was like "what the heck was I doing". I would have to read and re-read code because I had no idea what I was trying to do. I think I ended up starting from scratch, but I would copy and paste certain chunks of code.

BTW, can you add a.... just kidding...

By brooke on 2004/10/31 at 23:50:29

jeremy? write comments? i've heard about his "comments"....something along the lines of black magic....or just more code :)