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Oops. I think it was an OOM condition. Firefox had just died after it and Thunderbird started the hard drive rattling like crazy. I've handled those under linux no problem (gotten loads over 600 on my laptop and recovered without even affecting any other apps than the troublemakers), but apparently the darwin kernel doesn't handle it as well and the GUI starts seriously lagging when the Disk IO goes crazy. Something doesn't seem right about that - it's actually one of my biggest complaints about OS X. Any time the CPU is pegged and there's much IO (and the load is above 5 or so) or the disk, the machine starts beachballing whenever you click stuff until it recovers. Huh. scp claims I uploaded that image at 9.1MB/sec. I wouldn't mind it if that was true.

By babada on 2004/10/28 at 18:00:18

Hehe, you're one part done with becoming a Mac survivalist. The next step up from that screen is one where everything goes gray and you get a bunch of jargon involving a darwin and something along the lines of "we are panicking here". :)

Got that three times in a row on my iMac... stupid FireWire drive. I guess I just have the touch.

I agree with you about the beachball... Mac OS X's local networking sucks. It isn't just slow, it acts a la Windows and locks you out of everything while it tries to surf the network. At least I can see it coming on OS X.

And the whole FTP thing still has me peeved.

sigh... nothing's perfect. But I'll take the Mac OS over Windows any day. Haven't had much experience with Linux... I should fix that...

By babada on 2004/10/28 at 18:02:09

Alright, that's the third or fourth time I've had a comment botched. Is there anyway to get a newline in there?<br><hr>
<p>This is a test of all emergency systems... if none of these work, I will... uh... be foiled?</p>\n\r.

By Jeremy on 2004/10/28 at 18:54:24

OK, newlines work as normal now...

By babada on 2004/10/28 at 20:33:31


Also, I really, really like how your feed updates when a new comment shows up. Pretty handy! ;)

By Jeremy on 2004/10/28 at 20:37:26

I like it too, that's why it's there. I wish more people did that (hint hint Dave). For people who use Haloscan I can at least add their comments as XML, but then I have to try and figure out what entry they go to since they don't show up together. For people with MovablyType I just have to go read repeatedly - someone should make a fix for that.