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Children in the streets

So I saw an article with pictures of snowstorm related scenes, and this one sorta stuck out at me. The source is #7 on this page, and the caption reads, "Earlier in the week, children in Washington State enjoyed a day off, as severe weather closed down schools." So apparently in Washington the children enjoy their days off by laying in tire tracks in the streets...

By Pete on 2006/12/02 at 23:54:48

I'm guessing that they might have been sliding down an icy driveway. Who knows. Perhaps they're running away from this guy.

By babada on 2006/12/03 at 09:08:27

It could also be a lake. People drive on lakes. Kids play on lakes.

And everyone knows that SVUs never strike the same place twice.

By jeff on 2006/12/04 at 07:55:59

Wherever they are, there were large trucks (like a semi or dump truck) earlier. The tire tread shapes in the picture are very distinct and are found only on large trucks. Look in front of the near kids hands, see the block shaped tread? Those are from the drive wheels of a large truck. <a href="">Here<a/> is a picture of what the tires look like. Hopefully those kids are playing in an empty parking lot and not so much the street.

By jeff on 2006/12/04 at 07:57:27

Oops, I messed up the link even with comment preview. Here is the right link to the tire picture.