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New Office?

CCMR Data Closet - Nick AndersonAs you can't otherwise read it in the picture since the camera on my phone sucks, the nameplate on the door is copied in the upper right of the photo. Yes that's the data closet in the mens room. I have no clue who put this latest one up (or if he's seen this yet), but this showed up in the last day or so. In the last week since the holder was put on the door it's gone from "Data Closet", to "This door must remain locked at all times", to this.

By babada on 2006/06/08 at 15:14:54

Ha, now that is awesome! Hee...

Is my Nalgene still in inventory?

By Jeremy on 2006/06/08 at 15:27:35

Sodexho model Nalgene, Inventory #41332. Currently assigned to Ross, status last updated 2005/08/25.

Ross is also the current user of the American Standard Floor-Mounted Diskless Workstation in Nelson. There was Human Output Buffer as a description, but that seems to have disappeared in the inventory system conversion.