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The Patriot Act

As described by Penn & Teller at least. In case you don't know about their show, it's definitely not clean, but it is a decent (in terms of the information it covers at least) high-level overview about the big problems with it in a way that the general public would understand. The video.

By Mike S. on 2006/03/09 at 09:10:46

Seems like a video version of any show on Air America (minus the cuss words). Definately not balanced.

By jeff on 2006/03/09 at 09:45:41

When moon says it's "definitely not clean" that applies to the video part of it as well as the audio.

By Jeremy on 2006/03/09 at 21:33:48

Yea, they definitely could have made the video better by excluding that part of it. The point was made by discussing it.