Since I don't know how many of you watch my links pages/feeds, and many of you may be interested in this, some guy pieced together video from Eternal Sunshine, Garden State, and Lost in Translation along with the song Let Go to "test" that his setup was working together properly. He called it Eternal Garden Translation, and I'd say it's rather good for a test. He has some other videos up with interesting editing-based stuff.
Update 3/30 per Brent's comment below, the video has been moved. Link above and video below have been updated, the old link if anyone cares.
thanks for that mooney.
we lived on the same floor in nelson. you lived with scott youdas, i think. crickey, that was a long time ago.
anyhow, like joebuck (!) said, nice find.
Hey guys. I'm the guy who put that together, and I found this site though YouTube, where it tells where my videos are linked to. Just thought I'd drop in and say thanks for the kind words.
I call this one a test, because it has been a long time since I've done anything like that, and I did this one really quickly. I didn't try to make all of the clips in the same aspect ratio, I kept some of the clips going longer than they should have (like the pool scene), and other stuff like that.
Thanks again!
Even the TV people can't seem to get aspect ratios straight these days. As for the timing of the clips, I think that may be more what you were thinking vs what was made rather than it necessarily being bad. Even if you count those though - it still blows away most of the stuff being posted on the net lately.
The timing is also off, more than it should be, just because of YouTube. The audio/video is sometime slightly off when you upload stuff to YouTube for some reason, but I don't know why. It doesn't happen every time. The actual clip I have on my computer is a little better, flows better in terms of the timing.
I'm going to be doing one for Arrested Development, The Wonder Years, and a few other things in the future, so keep your eyes open for those. :-)
The previous link to this no longer works. Here is the new, working, link:
<param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Cool, thanks. Link form:
Is this an updated one or the same thing?
Copyright ©2000-2008 Jeremy Mooney (jeremy-at-qux-dot-net)
wow, that was pretty cool. Nice find Jeremy.