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Long weekends are great

As noted previously, I've been taking Mondays off in December, mainly because I can (I have personal time to use up). So last Monday I got new tires for my car. At first I wasn't too happy with them, and then I remembered they're all season tires and not snow tires. I'm starting to get used to them, but I do have to change how I drive slightly so I don't spin them or slide around corners too much. Still better than the old ones which were pretty much bald. Those were great on dry pavement though, but I had to coast over snow. I guess the benefit is the new ones are quieter. Such is life.

Work is better, but still busy. Nothing special. I think there'll be a couple ideological arguments coming up though, which should be interesting. It looks like I have a lot of email to go through when I get in tomorrow too. :( Guess if you want to bug me it'll probably be send an email (even more than usual) and it'll be answered somewhat in the order it was received.

Friday night was movie night at Paul & JoeBuck's place with the usual crowd, and the movie was Fantastic Four. Not the best movie ever, but it was fun anyways. Weekend otherwise was a lot of sitting around and reading, and a lot of sleeping. I don't really remember how much since the alarm clock next to my bed is still an hour and sixteen minutes fast, which makes me pretty much ignore it. Today was Sesame Beef "one last time" (according to the sign) in the DC for dinner, so went there and ate with my sister and her roommates. Can't argue with free dinner because students need to burn flex. After that I went back home and Run Lola Run. Can't complain about that movie. It's odd but interesting, and short so even though it's semi-repetetive it doesn't feel dragged out. Now it's time to get some sleep before

By bleaus on 2005/12/13 at 14:14:20

Why didn't I know about teh Sesame Beef? And where are these kids who have flex to burn? I like coffee and other stuff from Market!

By Jeremy on 2005/12/13 at 14:28:57

I wouldn't have known about it either if I hadn't gotten the invite. I guess you just have to have nice current students who want to do nice things for you... :)

By Polly PI on 2006/01/17 at 20:54:41

Jeremy?? Is this Jeremy as in Austin and Jeremy fame?

By Jeremy on 2006/01/17 at 21:08:00

Maybe? I'm friends with the Austin you met last summer. I'm sorta curious what stories he's told you now. :)