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Going back to work was OK. It's work and busy, but it's interesting too. Still feels like nothing is getting done, although I'm starting to get to the point on some things where I know a lot of prerequisites are out of the way, so that helps. I managed to get my schedule all messed up so by Friday I was really tired and just wanted to sleep all weekend, but that's sorta to be expected I guess.

Thursday night I got around to upgrading the firmware on my Axim. Apparently I hadn't been paying attention, and it was three versions out of date. The process went relatively smoothly, other than due to the way VirtualPC works with USB it wouldn't run the firmware update (basically OSX reads the device IDs on connection, and passes to the appropriate VPC instance if it goes there, a very quick process. However when the PocketPC resets and sees the "glitch" in communication, it considers the link unstable and won't do an upgrade. I've been upgrading and rebuilding enough machines to have an office that's turned into a server storage/junkyard though (seriously, my couch has stuff stacked, there's stuff on the chair, and most of the rack is full, and now there's a pile of new machines too), so it became a quick process. It was good to get the thing wiped clean, and the interface does seem a little more stable (although I can still push the thing to the point of lagging a lot relatively easily).

Saturday I watched Alien³. I don't really like it as much as the first couple, but not really sure why. I think it may be because it's somewhat more character development based, and I like the sci-fi side of the series.

Sunday was Blade: Trinity. I actually sorta liked it. The soundtrack was the best of the bunch, but we'll see how well it sticks. A lot of people were disappointed with this one, claiming it wrecked the series and wasn't as good and stuff. I can definitely see where that comes from, as the movie makes fun of the whole genre. If you are a big fan of the story behind the vampire comics and movies, you won't like the movie. The history/backstory stuff seemed broken up, but I think it would have been worse if it was all jammed together. They could have probably dropped a lot of it though - it's an action movie, it's to be watched for stuff blowing up, not for the plot. :)

By JoeBuck on 2005/07/18 at 17:44:12

I understand that actions movies are not exactly know for stellar plots but the first two existed in some semblance of a logical realm. The third was "oh crap, need a bad guy....Dracula...yeah....and his motivation is....he kills stuff......". There was no interplay between the two of them and jack all for character development on blade's part. They gave Van Wilder a gun and stuck Jessica Beil in there to look cute and then rememberd they needed Wesley Snipes around. They killed off like 3 main characters before any of them had > 4 lines.
I still say weak sauce by far. But to each their own opinion. Oh, and I agree about the soundtrack Mooney.