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Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

So went my phone as I was trying to enjoy some Sesame Beef at dinner with Nick and JoeBuck. Nick and I fixed the network today, as we had some trouble with bottlenecks due to backups. Of course about 45 minutes after everything was up and working, everything fell apart. After dinner and Dan trying to talk us out of going back to work because of the cold, we started poking around to figure out the problem. Around 10:30 everything was stablized. The cause appears to be one of two things. Either the move confused the switches (possible, they had inconsistent data on a couple things), or scanning of large blocks of unused IP space. Both were fixed, with network services telling the switches to forget everything about those things they were confused on and relearn, and with me adding 5,119 IP addresses (yep, eth0 was the machine, I got up to eth0:5119) to one of my machines and watching the traffic and adding firewall rules to the resnet router until the traffic slowed down to reasonable. I feel bad for anyone who sticks a Windows machine in there - it looks like a virus pit right now. One machine was doing some other type of scanning, and it's totally off the network now too. Hopefully one of those things fixed it, we'll see.