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Thursday was good. Had my last major Windows change made on the DHCP server today, which should be nice. It seems the broadcast traffic on the network has already dropped significantly. It'll be interesting to see later this weekend when more machines have renewed their DHCP leases. Also it was ice cream day, and it's hard to go wrong with that.

Then it was time to go to bed. That sucked, mainly because as soon as I was laying down the slight stuffiness turned into my entire head being stuffed up. My nose was completely plugged, and there was stuff running down my throat making both it and my stomach not happy after a while. Short summary is I didn't sleep much, and eventually was laying in bed at 5:30 wide awake and not able to sleep and send a message to my boss saying it was unlikely I'd be in. I slept in only a little bit and decided to see how I felt. A shower sorta cleared it up, but only for a few minutes. So armed with my cocoa spiked with red pepper (it's amazing how effective that is) headed off to go buy some medicine. After loading up on that and only being partially relieved after several hours, I went and bought some stronger stuff. Luckily that's doing a little better, but I'm still tired due to not sleeping much, and can't sleep during the day well normally. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better - being sick sucks.

By The Pete on 2004/08/21 at 11:21:06

It sucks being sick! Feel better, Jeremy!