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Well, Sunday I watched Catch Me If You Can with my mom and brother, and one of my sisters and dad each stayed for about half the movie (different halves). That's a good movie. Then I decided to actually get a full night of sleep. Although I'm so used to so little sleep I sorta started half waking up and looking at the clock thinking I was late or something. Work was crazy, with people thinking that virus filtering on the email server wasn't working, and then the network dragging to a crawl combined with lots of people needing to be blackholed, "fixed" computers needing to be blackholed again, and printing not working until Dave and I both poked at it and basically gave up, printed a test page, and then everything started working again. Gotta love mysteries. Then tryed to get some real work done, but got out of there by about 8pm, and went home to do nothing, but got stuck doing other stuff. Eventually watched Sniper 2 which is low budget but still good movie. Hopefully tomorrow will be less crazy.