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Well, today started off with going to work and waiting for my computer to sort 903 new messages, so me and a coworker discussed/planned upgrading one of our NT4 domains to W2K and integrating it into the existing W2K AD tree. Because of the current setup we can get the thing 90% upgraded and still drop back to the old setup effectively instantly if something goes wrong. Hopefully we won't hit th issues we have been hitting as we're not upgrading hardware (although tomorrow is lunch at Cattle Company on our vendor for the hastle, so I'm not too bitter). Then I spent an hour and a half going through and responding to email. Luckily I only had 4 voicemails. So far the day's going pretty good for the first day back from vacation, so I look in the IncidentBase and see a simple request for account combining for a student worker at the Seminary and figure, "Oh, I can do that quick for a change of pace". Then I find out the person's second account isn't listed in her name, but rather a former student worker. Nobody has received a request to change it to her name either. I try calling the head of the department the student worker says she works for, but he's out of town for the week and his voicemail list's his assistant's number. Her phone's forwarded to VM but says nothing about being gone, so I leave a message and ask for her to call back.

After lunch I ended up talking to some Help Desk people about things different users had complained about and stuff we want changed before fall. I get back and no response. My boss had in the meantime talked to the student worker again, and she said her supervisor had called and left a message with someone, which he figured was me so he commented in it and assigned it to me. I spend the next half hour talking to everyone who her supervisor would have called trying to find out if someone did indeed call, and whether everything was confirmed. No such luck. After setting everything up so it'll take about 5 seconds to actually complete the change when I get confirmation, I still haven't heard from anyone. I finally resort to query the student employment records comparing the old person and new person for a position or supervisor. I find it and find a 3rd person is actually the supervisor as of about two years ago (which explains why we haven't gotten any updates in about two years).

Luckily he was there today and it only took a minute to confirm that the old student worker wasn't coming back and the new person was the replacement and reassign all the permissions. Turns out he left a voicemail with the HelpDesk, but I still haven't heard anything about that. I think I convinced him of the importance of telling us when students start and leave in the future. :) I somehow doubt it will be consistent though, and am still looking forward to the day when the group assignment is grouped to the employment records automatically (we're hoping for early fall, but who knows).

Hopefully tomorrow will be better...