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Need another reason to buy Firefly?

$19.86 good enough? It's still #3 on Amazon's Top DVDs...


Nathan Fillion smells like turnips

So there's rumors floating around on the boards about an article saying Joss Whedon has given up on Firefly. Apparently words were taken out of context, and Joss has a reply. It appears he has a rather high opinion of EW...


Serenity stuff

I've been sorta watching Amazon's DVD Top Sellers today and Serenity has been setting at the top - can't complain about that. I wonder if it's based on orders taken or completed (because they're shipping now). Mine shipped, so I'm happy about that. You can also find some deleted scenes and bloopers and stuff at Inside the DVD: Serenity.


Can't stop the signal

Joss, when asked about continuing Serenity/Firelfy even if it's only direct-to-dvd, said "Whatever format it is. If it's a chance to work with these actors again, to live in this world again, I'm there!". This is contingent on someone backing it though, so buy the movie!

Those of you on the movie-night list have heard at least part of this, but we'll be having a movie night soon with it. At this point it's sounding like sometime Dec 27-30, but that's not set in stone. Let me know if you're not on the list but are interested. Or if you are on the list and want to come but have conflicts and prefer certain dates. Should be a fun time.