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Sci-Fi Weekend

What better way to start a long break than with a bunch of geeky entertainment? So far this weekend I've gone through all 6 of the original Star Trek movies, plus Joe Buck and I have watched half the first season of Battlestar Galactica. Now I just have to wait until Wednesday for the second half of the season...

By JoeBuck on 2007/12/26 at 14:45:30

Yeah for nerdy things :)
Seriously though, I want Edward James Olmos to be my backup grandfather. Mine is pretty badass in his own right but this can be my bonus one.

By Lo on 2008/01/10 at 22:47:35

Battlestar is my life. That show rocks the casba! Every time I get my hands on a new season, I watch the episodes non-stop until they're gone. I can't wait until the next season is out.

By Jeremy on 2008/01/13 at 23:21:05

We ended up getting through the first 2 seasons over a total of 7 days (coordinating mailings for netflix around christmas, new year's and weekends was a pain this year), and are debating on when to watch the third. Unfortunately it doesn't come out until late March, which is cutting it close to Season 4, so I may end up buying them online instead.