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Busyness, and no more Fridays

So I've been a bit busy lately, apologies to anyone who's had to interact with me (or sometimes tried to do so). I'm really not trying to ignore anyone... I realized just how ridiculous it's been when I was working on my weekly report, and it got rather long just with the bigger things from the week. For my sanity's sake, other than one annoying 6 day week and one nice holiday week, I'm working 3 or 4 day weeks for the rest of the year. Unless something comes up, but I better get a free vacation out of that... As a side effect, it'll probably mean busier Mondays as I've finished completely segmenting my work and personal email accounts and made separate profiles in Thunderbird, so I won't even see things sent to my work account piling up and be tempted to do anything over the weekends. Probably a good thing though, at least i people stop sending non-work stuff to my work address (hint - it can be safely removed from your address books for those not sending me work stuff).

I finished out last weekend by rearranging the house with some new (to me) furniture and electronics. If you know me, you should come over some time and see it. Today involved taking pictures of Soccer, and then sitting around. Hopefully the rest of the weekend will be doing nothing, although maybe I'll post pictures from both last and this weekend. Realizing I don't have my camera with me nearly often enough, I did end up looking at cameras online though, seeing what's new in the pocket camera world. I somehow neglected to notice that Canon has Elphs with decent resolution, IS and DIGIC II. And there are second-gen ones out, so the first-gen are cheaper. Such choices...