I went to see Mission: Impossible III with some friends, and overall it was a good movie. Could have done without the kids behind us talking though. Anyways, it was good enough to keep me entertained throughout the movie. Not to say it's at all believable or anything (it's an action movie - you're not supposed to think), but it is entertaining. It was definitely Abrams style, although those who have only seen Lost probably wouldn't know it. The whole bomb in the head thing being in both Alias this spring and this movie seemed a bit overplayed. Effects were good, and it didn't seem completely dependent on them. It'll be interesting to watch again on DVD.
Then there's the apparently new watermarking, which served its purpose of distracting me during the action scenes well. I haven't seen anything in a theater for a few months, so this has maybe been around a while. I hadn't heard of any changes to film prints though, just all the proposed digital projection ideas. Anyways, I'm used to seeing the red or yellow dots that are rather big. On this I noticed an interesting pattern of black dots. The pattern was a similar size, but the dots were smaller, taller than wide, and more of them. Not enough to be a barcode or anything, maybe an extra column. There may have been a background of some sort, but it's only up for a short time and I was trying to ignore it and watch the movie, so I'm not sure. It seemed to be in more positions on the screen, and designed to fit around the content rather than overlay (maybe in an attempt to make it less noticeable?). So far a bit of searching hasn't turned up anything on it. Has anyone else seen this or have any links to info about it?
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