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Kids and guns

3-year-old picks up loaded gun. Mom takes it away, pulls the clip, and puts it back. Kid picks up gun again, and shoots her in the knee, as the chamber was still loaded. Can't feel too sorry for her there.

By babada on 2006/03/13 at 09:13:22

According to the full article the police found "about other five guns" in the house. How can you have that many guns and not understand how they work? I've never fired a true gun in my life and I know about the chamber.

Of course, that's probably due to shooting people with my AirSoft gun. Ah, the life of a freshman... :)

By Mike S. on 2006/03/13 at 10:43:12

Dana and I were talking about this last night. I've officially given her the 'most retarded parent' of the year award. Seriously, the kid needs to be taken away.

By JoeBuck on 2006/03/13 at 11:36:35

Seriously, why would you put the gun back on/under the couch? That's just assine, the courts need to come down on her, that is completely irresponsible.
I was impressed/intrigued that all the guns in the house were legal. I guess at least one person in that house knows their firearms basics, too bad it wasn't the mother.