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Email load test

$ grep -c "Wed Feb 15 ..:..:.. 2006" ~jmooney/procmail.log

There were apparently locking issues as that should have been closer to 19k. Average for me appears to be in the mid to upper 300s. Any remaining questions as to why the email system had issues today? :) This time I didn't even mailbomb myself, it was the doing of somebody else.

By babada on 2006/02/16 at 13:14:16

Wasn't me.

I still remember the time I was trying to show off how a simple Perl script can send mass quantities of email and ended up accidently sending a batch of 150+ to Gossett. I had forgotten to change the email address...


Since they were all mere text I doubt it did much to the servers. And I think they all ended up as spam anyhoo...

By bleaus on 2006/02/17 at 10:19:39

babada is a crazy one with those shell scripts.

Also Mooney, I'm highly impressed how many hits you get on this site, and where they all come from!

By Jeremy on 2006/02/17 at 20:07:56

I've been known to do interesting unintended things with scripts. Like lots of email, and once deleting a "few" accounts. As for the traffic, I think it's due to such a wide variety of stuff resulting in traffic from searches.