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Alias Season 4 started tonight. If you haven't seen it, stop now and come back when you have. I think it was pretty good, although had issues. I think it's looking like it could be better than last season, although they need to be very careful. It's almost like they're starting over, in a bad way. The music was well picked. World is on Fire sounded really weird in this type of show based on what the theme of the song is (the video makes it really obvious if you haven't seen it), but it somehow fits the story really well. Ending with Cat Stevens really looks like someone had a statement to make too. But anyways... The whole storyline seemed like a lot of the summary of the first two seasons as far as family relationships and feelings go, but with Nadia rather than Sydney. And the last line just made me laugh. I think they managed to set it up to get going again despite the last season, but I the worry is that it'll be too similar and be boring and just go downhill again. We'll have to see.

In other news, based on routing and timestamps, it appears the two new toys are at the same point on the distribution path. They show as separate scheduled delivery dates though. If it was FedEx I wouldn't be concerned and would just expect them to come together. It'll be interesting to see if UPS are pricks as usual and actually separate them out and delay the one or just deliver them together.