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People think I'm nuts because I like cold. Shortly after the last post, I got sick of sitting in the hot server rooms, and went to wander around outside. Ended up on the hill watching the wiring and cleanup happen. I was asked at least 3 times if I was cold. The temp was in the 30s, and I was standing there in my usual winter clothing selection (jeans and t-shirt). It's not like anyone else was wearing much else, most people just had a jacket and most didn't even have gloves (other than the big rubber ones when they started turning back on the 13.8kV feeds). Finally went back in the buildings about 2 hours later, and worked a bit inside. I got home around 10:30, and the window was open with the fan blowing in just like it has been for the past few weeks, and the house was around 60. Didn't bother me, just went to sleep for a few hours. Then spent more hours outside (soccer game), and home and sat in the basement for a few more hours (below 60 down there). Now I think I'm starting to realize why the cold doesn't bother me - somehow I just adapt. When I first came home from the game I noticed it was a bit chilly. The usual things, fingers and toes slightly numb, muscles tense, etc. A few hours later, I'm normal, all extremities feel normal, relaxed, and the thermometers say stuff is the same. Maybe I'm just weird or something. Oh well, all I care about is I don't need to bother with lugging around a jacket, just have to deal with how hot it feels inside for a few minutes when coming in until I adapt back.

By schdav on 2004/10/02 at 23:36:37

That's funny, we were talking about your coldbloodedness tonight. I'm jealous. Although I've got a decent tolerance for cold, I do like to at least wear a sweatshirt in the winter. Full out coats are too annoying to keep track of all day long.

By Jeremy on 2004/10/03 at 23:34:16

Huh. I'm sorta curious how odd stuff about me like that just happens to come up in conversation. Or maybe you guys just always discuss my life or something. That'd be really weird if that's the case - I'm not that interesting, am I?

By pookie on 2004/10/04 at 12:49:20

You know you are just so cool that people can't stop talking about you :). I don't like it when it is hot, so I too would rather be cold then hot. I just think that you have brute strength to ignore how cold you really are. I can't do that and I am one of those people that have to lug around a light jacket so I can keep my composure. I don't have it out yet though, eventually I will probably look for it when I go out to snow blow for the first time.

By Jeremy on 2004/10/04 at 22:07:52

I guess you could say I just ignore it, but it's to the point I don't even notice. Like I won't realize how cold my hand is until it touches my other hand or arm or something (or someone else and it totally freaks them out). I can still feel how cold other stuff is too, which is odd. Like yesterday I was dumping ice in a glass and one cube just happened to stop on my hand without another one pushing it and it just froze to the palm of my hand until I flipped my hand over and brushed it off on the edge of the glass - that seemed a little weird.

By babada on 2004/10/06 at 10:04:39

Heh, so you and I are basically opposites. You wear a t-shirt and jeans through all seasons and I wear... uh, a "jacket".