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OK, so I'm not that obstinate about it. Besides, it gave me a chance to exercise my web skills. This one may be a long one, so I'll be nice to you on it.

This was big summer migration weekend #2, also known as Usonia2 and FS go away. Yea, it wasn't fun. Next weekend is actually more accounts (we have over 7000 student accounts now, as opposed to like 500 faculty accounts). Yea, the last time I did an audit of students was a couple years ago. Cleaning up account in the past was work (not it's quite simple), but I figure unless I have a reason (like someone being an idiot with their access), and if it's not a drain on the system (last cleanup was an emergency disk full situation), they "paid $20,000 to go here" and I'll be nice even if they technically aren't eligible. Or maybe I'm just lazy... Anyways, this weekend resulted in many annoyances, and some cool things. Read on.


+ Aqua
+ File Services for Macintosh
+ Network glitches

Cool Stuff

+ Free food
+ Active Directory
+ SRV DNS records
+ Mac OS X
+ Powerbooks
+ Ice Cream

I think it's time to wrap it up. I think I may have beat Austin. And it was only partially a "what I did" entry. And if you check this out I even did it nicely (I messed up the main page a few days ago with a different entry). I do need sleep though...

By Kruck on 2004/07/12 at 09:23:26

"but they can't seem to code consistently. This is one thing linux/unix/X11 have going for them."
your joking right? you must be joking...

By Jeremy on 2004/07/12 at 09:50:49

I don't mean all apps on that one. If you take the well done window manager and environments, they act they way they are designed to act though. I routinely run sawfish with the number of windows on screen in the hundreds and get maybe one crash a year. I can easily move between them in a predictable manner from the keyboard too. Good luck even getting that many to stay open under Windows. That said, some unix apps just act horribly (and abuse the ways the window manager lets them control windows. And some window manager just weren't built for a modern OS, and others just have issues.

By babada on 2004/07/12 at 12:33:31

Yes... paragraph breaks are good...

By 10lees on 2004/07/13 at 13:52:25

See wasn't that easier?? Everybody read it and added comments... I believe the paragraph breaks are the main reason!!

By Jeremy on 2004/07/13 at 19:47:03

Actually no, it wasn't easier - it took a lot longer to write. Maybe that's because I turned it into like 10 entries in one though.

By babada on 2004/07/14 at 16:34:04

if it took you ten minutes to add paragraph breaks to your post i think we need to start looking for a new mooney. :P