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Well, tonight at work I finished the first round of auditing duplicate accounts. Glad to get that done, as I was working on it late last night too. Basically everything I could do without asking the users first. Glad that's over with though. We still have old and unused and invalid accounts and stuff, but only like 40 more accounts to deal with before we can actually get this summer's work done. Hopefully I'll get the rest done anyways though. JL! posted and interesting entry on Straight Pride which seems to be generating some traffic. You should check that out. Today at work the new toys came in, but there were two of them. Wouldn't be a bad thing except given the price and the fact we only ordered one I'm guessing they'll be wanting one of them back pretty quickly. Oh well, they look cool for now. I got sick of what was up on outside since Ross took down his computer which served it (not that the quality was that great to start with), so updated it with a nice view out over Lake Valentine... Seriously though, I think I'm gonna have to find a good place to put a webcam so we can get that up and going. If we do there are good ideas of what to do with it.