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Sunday went pretty well. Got up and went to Salem, which was sorta interactive so it kept me awake. After that spent some time cleaning the house, since people were coming over. A lot of people in the house, but not as many as superbowl and definitely a different environment with family of all ages. After that read some more geeky stuff online, and banned another IP from the mail server for a few hours. It was sending enough the servers didn't like running through all the virus infected machine checks for all of them since it was probably around 1000 in a few minutes time. My total for Sunday for alerts is 2602, which is fewer than Saturday (which is actually 2930 after I realize I missed some) but still way too high. A few more non-ResNet machines infected too. :( Finished off the night by watching Outbreak. Interesting movie and kept my attention, but nothing stood out as great. After that I had an IM from wiljefv with this game in it. It's more strategy than timing, which is more fun in my opinion. I'm currently at level 30 but stuck and tired, so we'll see how big of a replay factor it has (since there doesn't appear to be a way to save the games).
By TheNickā„¢ on 2004/03/01 at 14:44:46

Completed it at level 40.

By jeff on 2004/03/02 at 00:49:40

Judging by the timestamp I would say that was during work. Ah, time well spent.