Sunday started off well with another trip to Salem Baptist. Of course Dave had to go look at houses again afterwards... My brother came over to watch the game and bring over some stuff though, and ended up helping to clean up the place. It didn't take too long, although we managed to clog up the vacuum enough that it overheated and cut off twice. Unfortunately a thorough cleaning involves a 24hr drying period, so just a cooldown happened in the middle. When I emptied it and washed everything it definitely had collected a lot of dust though. Assembled my DVD/CD rack and started filling it. Looks like I need at least one more, if not two. Or I need to resort to more dvd wallets... Anyways, after a little shopping settled in for the extended version of
Fellowship of the Ring. Dave and Jeff came over and joined in the fun, which was good. I discovered that I need to deal with some doors and their rattling in the frames though. Monday went pretty well. Some building servers, lots of patching, some planning for updates, and some adding additional IP addresses. I'm still not sure about this weekend. Hopefully it'll go smoother than it seems like it will. It was also full day #2 with the Karma at work, and works great, no glitches. I think I last charged the thing Saturday or something, and it's still well over half left... Anyways, tonight was v2 of the trilogy, with the extended edition of
Two Towers. Jeff came over and eventually Dave came and joined in right before the big battle sequence. Very enjoyable time, and ready to watch the third one in the theater. I've decided against reading the book tomorrow though, mainly because I want to sleep half the day. I've been dead tired the past couple nights, and going to bed relatively early. And since this movie doesn't start until midnight... Anyways, off to start that sleeping in process.