Semi-interesting day. Began with a bunch of people suddenly having problems reaching a bunch of machines, one of the servers confirmed to have issues, and then all the rest just start working fine a few minutes later. Who know if we'll ever track that one down. Then the console on the exchange server locked up really nicely. Couldn't get in at the machine or over the network, and couldn't restart the VNC services either. Ended up rebooting later in the evening, but that's a pain. It's the second time that box has done that in the last few weeks. In the afternoon I decided to test the new lists server a bit. The personalization features of mailman 2.1 are pretty cool. Then I decided to load test a bit and added 6000 email addresses to the test mailing list. Sent out a few tests of normal grouped vs personalized to test the load differences. There's a big difference, but it's reasonable either way. Then to test the bounces I changed the procmail recipe for the virtual domain where all those addresses were to bounce them. Luckily that worked well and mailman dealt with them and didn't pass them back to the -owner address. :) Then I laughed at
Paul Boyum (yes, there's a reason the link is done that way :) for drawing some crazy stuff on the whiteboard. You'll have to ask him about that one... As for the house thing, since people seem to want pictures, here they are -
Upstairs and
+2 points for whoever whipped that up. That is amazing. I think the next photoshop action should be putting brooke on one of the cheerleaders on the "bring it on" poster. Any takers?