Friday started off a bit crazy. Boss was gone Thursday, so woke up Friday to a flood of email catching up on stuff. Fun topic of discussion for the day is the Seminary in San Diego and how to best deal with them from a fileserver/domain standpoint. The options ranged from a single independent domain to 5 virtual machines running on a linux box. Hey, it's an option... :) The sellers for the one house are still crazy, but I think it's for the better. Friday afternoon I went and looked at the other house again, and ended up making an offer on it. Got something worked out the seller would accept, and as of Sunday all the paperwork is signed. So assuming inspection goes well closing is the end of the month. I guess I have to start putting things together and make sure I have everything I need for my own place soon. Luckily going from basically a room to a house shouldn't be too much work for packing. Gotta do stuff like figure out what to do for internet access though... Saturday I sorta caught up on sleep. Watched
Phone Booth which while probably not as bad as everyone says, seemed a lot longer than it really is. They didn't keep it interesting enough. Oh well. Maybe today's picks will be more interesting...
Congrats my friend. So when is the first movie night?