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Monday during the day wasn't too interesting, the usual stuff... Near the end of the day I discovered the winexit.scr screensaver though, which is solution to a lot of our lab machine problems. Basically it's a screensaver that when it pops up a box, counts down and logs off the user. It's a bit of a hastle to install since it requires registry permissions hacks, but can be done through a domain policy and once it's in seems to work quite well. The trick was getting it working. After the normal end of work time there was dinner and then most of the night was spent trying to get it working while also helping brooke debug her program. I finally got it done around 1 and watched the entire lab reboot near simultaneously. It's a cool effect especially when the lights are off and all the patterns are moving on all the monitors, but by that time everyone had ditched an hour and a half previous so nobody else got to see it. No complaints for a day so now it's much more widespread, and we'll see what happens. If it works how it should that will solve both the security issue and the user annoyance issue at the same time. Tuesday was another pretty routine day. I cleaned up a bit of junk from the previous night, and tweaked a few things. I also ended up getting the proper 3ware drivers installed on a machine, and proceded to load test the box a bit. Just CPU and memory for now, but I got the load average to jump over 1000 for a bit so I think it's safe to say those are working. Probably end up with disk tests tomorrow. This box is far more stable than the last one already though. C1 for lunch, which was another good day with excellent service. I have a feeling we'll start visiting there more often again, which is both good and bad...