Sorta backwards, but... Got the list of instructor stations a little while ago. Turns out a bunch of them had actually been moved to different rooms. That sorta explains the troubles tracking them down to fix them. I also watched
Super Troopers. That's a pretty funny movie. Nothing too crazy today, just more of the usual otherwise. Blackboard died again, and took more restarting multiple times to get it to reset. It's sorta annoying when you can't dive into the source and figure out what's causing it anymore. :( I guess they must have gotten sick of us reporting bugs and including a patch along with the report or something. :) The slowness with the library web site is back now too. Probably one of the sites sending insane sized documents again. There's no reason a single httpd process should end up needing 384MB of RAM... Lovgat is annoying since the existing CDs we distributed don't fix it, but students are thinking they are and saying they cleaned it up (nevermind it doesn't say it didn't fix anything). As soon as they get back on the network, back off they go... Then there's the people thinking running windows update last week means they applied all critical updates. Little do they realize that part of the joy of running windows is applying patches almost weekly, and checking for them at least once a week if not more often. Oh yea, speaking of that new RPC thing, it's nice that there is exploit code all over the web now. Should be interesting in a few days...
Wahoo for super troopers. Ask Huisinga what his favorite line from it is, just don't do it when any women or small children are around :)