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Pretty usual day, nothing really too out of the ordinary. Sobig.F was interesting. I had around 150 alert messages by 11am just from stuff going through the secondary mx servers (main servers too loaded?) before my boss got sick of them and turned them off. A quick look at the mail logs and it looks like we had around 7600 messages, which isn't too terrible if you look at the big perspective, but since it's summer and students aren't sending much yet it was like a sixth of our email today... We're better off than some though - apparently Notre Dame had 60k filtered and that's double their previous record for a month. After work I sorta just hung around chatting with people, and ended up poking with the screensaver issue some more. Apparently windows doesn't like just dropping the screensaver stuff in the registry until you log out and back in, so that's staying out of the login script... We'll have to go with group policies there. Then I tried to catch up with email lists - way too much junk, although some interesting stuff. No movie tonight - I went through too much caffeine...