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Got started on a new kiosk image today. Turns out rh9 has some odd dependencies. I started off with a 400MB or so install, and threw apt on it and started removing stuff. Got it trimmed down pretty decent, then started installing stuff again. Hopefully I'll finish up most of it tomorrow. Lunch today was Noodles and Company, which was really good. Was a little bland so I had to add my usual amount of hot sauce to the top, but that's expected from most places like that - oh well. After work I researched programming on my new toys. I won another auction for a couple serial interfaces too, so it should be fun when everything arrives and I start plugging them together. I also watched Bad Company. I'd have to say that's a really great flick. Cool soundtrack too - think Sum of all Fears but with Chris Rock and an Urban/Hip Hop soundtrack. I definitely recommend it.
By Jeremy on 2003/07/30 at 01:29:40

And those of you with problems hitting the IMDB link and having other weird issues (especially from comcast cable), blame AT&T. Looks like confused routers in the NY area... :(