The Nick is complaining that I don't talk about him enough and his
sweet ride. He says because we have lunch together almost every day I should talk about him more. This good Nick? :) Today was an OK day. I got an a coding kick and started doing a bunch of stuff in the
IncidentBase. Got Next/Previous buttons working for detailed views, as well as this crazy out-of-office thing
Dave thought up. Basically it shows Incidents assigned to you to other people when you are out of the office. That part isn't that odd and is actually pretty straightforward - the crazy part is where it gets the data. It logs onto the switches and analyses the traffic patterns for your machine, and when it finds a deviation from the, it actually just goes and looks at the calendar on the exchange server every hour (grabs the web page version), and parses it out. Turns out our office administrative assistant is consistent enough that I was able to parse the data with only a handful of regular expressions. Basically it pulls out a mapping of name abbreviations and nicknames and maps them to the person's identity. Then it takes keywords such as "out" or "on vacation" and changes the status. It also looks for context for timing such as "until x" or "after x" or "at x". Then it adds a row to a table for each occurance of a person being not in the office. All that data about people being gone is actually taken by another script which looks at preferences of who should see what when a person is gone and actually changes what everyone sees to match. Eventually I should probably add a manual override to it I guess. Then it makes it easier to abuse though - right now you have to do it a round-about way so I doubt anyone will even bother. Plus there's that mess with the department calendar and the admin assistant will have a talk with you, and the fact that you have to be either important or a server admin to modify the calendar, and she's basically doing the data entry for me... :) Anyways, after work
Dave came over and we watched
Spider-Man. I still like that movie, although I can see why a lot of people don't. No cool geek toys arrived today, hopefully some stuff will start showing up tomorrow though - I want to play with cool stuff...