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Today wasn't bad. Had to get up in the morning, which is never a good way to start the day... Got to have a meeting about Avalon, and decided to swap out a bunch of hardware, possibly changing stuff around if that doesn't work out well. Then got to poke with Blackboard stuff for a while. It's a lot more annoying when you can't just go look in the source code and fix the problems rather than try to figure out what it's doing different from the API documentation and work around it. Then got to teach The Nick some perl stuff. Afternoon was sorta relaxing since I've been working a bunch for the Avalon it was sorta do whatever time. I chatted with a lot of people and went for an afternoon snack at the standup meeting. Late afternoon and evening was spent helping Betsy reinstall her computer. It was Windows ME, but is now Windows 98 and RedHat 9 dual-boot. She's excited about the linux part, so hopefully that'll continue to be a good thing. :) Also went and picked up what should hopefully be the rest of the hardware for my screen, and while I was out picked up a 48X CD-RW drive for what will be $20 after the rebate. OfficeMax seems to have good deals like that more often than most places. At 10pm the fun of the night started. Told Avalon to reboot so we could swap out hardware. It took about an hour again. :( We replaced the RAID card, the cable to the drive, and the one drive it was complaining about. Reboots after it's been up for a while unfortunately still take way too long writing to disk. Apparently the write cache for windows is already "disabled", and the ones on the RAID controllers are now disabled to see what will happen. Everything seems to be working and the array is rebuilding on the replaced drive now. Didn't get out of there until after midnight though, and Mike had an funny little runin with the phys plant people. :) Hopefully we can make more progress tomorrow and we won't have to do anything big, but that's not looking good at this point. Haven't heard any complaints about Jericho yet though, so that's at least one summer project which has gone smoothly so far...
By the artist formerly known as on 2003/07/28 at 09:50:53

When Does Betsy get a Friends link?

By Jeremy on 2003/07/28 at 23:34:22

Ross the concerned for peoples' feelings... :) I've basically resorted to updating when people bug me about it. I mean to update lots of stuff while on vacation, but never got to it - too much doing nothing. She's on there now though...