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Well, overslept a bit for work, and ended up getting in at about 10:30. Of course I spent a significant portion of the day catching up on email, as my mailbox had grown by around 6000 messages consisting of 70MB... :( Thankfully a lot of them I could just glance over and delete. We had quite a crew for Wendy's today for lunch, and all jammed into vedmic's ride for the trip. Later in the day I finally upgraded my desktop machine from Redhat 7.1 by installing Redhat 9. I did away with metacity and installed it with sawfish. I also did a debian-style install with selecting effectively nothing on the install. The first thing I did was install apt once it was up though, and then selectively pull packages. That way I got exactly what I need and nothing else (well, except for the fact that a lot of redhat packages have weird dependencies, but I wasn't gonna deal with that). Seems to be working fine now, but we'll see how it goes tomorrow. When I got home I had to deal with my dad's email freaking out and losing the last couple months. Apparently there was a corrupt message in there and it was messing up the mail file for his Inbox. :( I showed him how to burn CDs though now...