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So right from the beginning today starts with things not quite working right. Of course that's piled on top of I didn't work yesterday, so have way too much email to check and way too many Incidents waiting to be done. Then there was discussion about security, persistent sessions, and the proper way to implement user preferences. To top it all off the core router flipped for about 20 minutes, and I also got to migrate a directory structure from Maildir to Exchange... I did manage to sort through the pile of computers in my office to figure out which ones work. Turns out only one of the P90s was really dead, but there's another 16MB of RAM making machines not POST. Got that taken out and they're fine now. Too bad they're all P75s and P90s though. :( I didn't get much done in the way of prep for this weekend, so hopefully tomorrow I can just sit down and write scripts. Since this weekend is gonna be work, I decided tonight was a no-thinking night. I was gonna watch Animatrix, but decided against it. My copy of Dolby Labs' "We've Got the Whole World Listening" arrived so I watched all the Dolby Digital trailers, as well as behind the scenes on them and demos of stuff like dolby headphone. That was pretty cool. Then I sat down and started watching T2 Extreme. Apparently my DVD player is running too hot though right now, and it didn't like the second layer. I threw two fans blowing through the stack around it, but it's gonna be a while so I'll probably just finish up this weekend sometime. I'm not sure what I think of the whole multi segment thing, especially since they looked the same so far - I'll have to look into that. The quality is definitely very good. It was like film but without the flicker, at least until the MPEG2 decoder started getting a bit too hot... Maybe one of these days it'll force me to build a better equipment rack. Power amplifiers need to either go on top or in a different area - way too much heat...