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I took apart my DVD player and upgraded the firmware of the DVD drive in it, and now it reads DVD-Rs. It still doesn't like DVD-RWs, but as long as the DVD-Rs work well I'm happy. Seems the DVD I burned didn't work in a DVD/CD-RW drive in an iMac at work, but that might be something with that specific disc. I converted a couple quicktime movies from my dad's camera to a DVD on a DVD-RW since he wanted to show some people a couple races from the state track meet. Those people were all over for some sort of party that my sister was throwing (I'm not sure there was a reason). It was sorta weird to come driving home and wonder why there are cars lined up on both sides of the street around the bend, and realise that they go all the way to your house and in front of your house looks like a parking lot... Anyways, the whole thing means I got to play with DVD authoring software a bit. Hopefully that means tomorrow morning I'll have a nicely edited DVD of the 2003 MTV Movie Awards waiting for me... Gotta love technology. :) I need to find better tools though. If you know of any let me know... I'm pretty sure there's a GUI tool for linux that does what I want, I just need to track it down (I can already author the DVD and do chapters and stuff if it's just an mpeg file or multiple mpeg files). Basically I need a splicer to strip out commercials and also accurately find places to do chapter breaks. The problem with most of the DVD programs is they re-encode, which since I already have compatible MPEG2 coming from the hardware encoder is a waste of time and also looses quality. Oh well, I got a lot done. Now I just need to get up on time tomorrow morning...