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So I wake up and I have pages about the library's web site and FTP server being down. No big deal, since usually that just means it's slow and will die in a day or so if I don't restart IIS, but sometimes it just comes back (it's some ASP they have somewhere but it doesn't happen enough to be worth tracking down). After church I start looking into it more and it turns out that IIS is totally shut off, and VNC is just closing sockets right away. I manage to restart VNC remotely and then get in, and it looks semi-normal except that IIS is off. It does seem a bit sluggish though, but I attribute it to the fact it's been up way too long (it had been logged in since Feb 7). Hit reboot, and wonder why 20 minutes later I still can't get an ARP response. Uh oh. :( Turns out one of the drives went flaky and decided rather than just die like a normal bad drive it wanted to spew enough junk on the SCSI bus that the controller got enough errors to flag all the drives as bad. And I don't care what kind of RAID you run - if the controller thinks every drive is bad, it's not gonna work right... So since this WebBIOS thing apparently doesn't work if you can't load the OS (not sure how that's supposed to work for recovery), I manage to find out that it needs a DOS utility, and am able to flag the remaining two drives as good again. Oh, did I mention that because it was so screwy I had to start unplugging one drive at a time and power up the machine to see which one disconnected would actually let me scan the rest of the bus? Yea... It's up and running now, but I'm not happy with the whole situation. Looks like we're replacing that RAID controller (American Megatrends MegaRAID) with a better one sometime (probably Adaptec 2100S). The whole thing reminds me of what happened with Avalon last summer... Oh yea, I did manage to get homework done too, and surprised flabre with a checkmate just when he though he was about to get me... I forgot how much fun chess can be sometimes (especially when it's your homework assignment)...